First Chipboard Manufactured in Pina S.A Losán Losán

First Chipboard Manufactured in Pina S.A Losán

First Chipboard Manufactured in Pina S.A Losán | New continous press line for chipboard manufacturing in Pina S.A Losán

The manufacturing of the first chipboard with the new continous press line took place last 25th of April in our facililties in Cuenca, Spain. The new equipment, by SiempelKamp, is the Contiroll model and its main feature is that it has a patented flexible infeed. 

Thanks to this investment, Losán's factory in Cuenca will see its machinery updated and its production doubled reaching 950m3 per day. Currently, we are adjusting the last details so we can launch full production in the upcoming days. Our customers will be able to enjoy a high quality particle board which we offer either raw (standard, waterproof, low and ultralow density) or covered in melamine.

In Losán we are at the forefront of the wood sector in Spain thanks to our determination and hard work.