Black Acacia Losán

Black Acacia

Black Acacia | Acacia melanoxylon, R. Br.

Black Acacia - Origin and availability:

The species is native to North-West Australia and Tasmania. This exotic reaches a height of 20-30 metres and a diameter of 60-70 cm, with its bark being very rich in tannins. Its wood is in great demand for its colour and streak, for its hardness and for the nobility of the end uses to which it is put.

Wood description:

Perfectly differentiated sapwood and hardwood. The colour of the hardwood is clear dun m-420u and clear dun M-4222 (UNE 48.103) In tangential cross cutting it reveals dark graining as a result of lengthways cutting of the trunk growth, which gives it a flecked appearance. There is a dearth of pores, with variable sizing, which appear in the form of grooves due to its cavities. The black acacia has a fine woody radius in a lighter colour than the rest of the wood. It has very pronounced annual growth rings which highlight a considerable contrast between spring and summer growth, dark maroon being the summer colouring. On first observation no noticeably parenchyma. The fibres are straight, the grain semi fine.


Drying has to be carried out slowly so as to avoid the formation of defects. There is always the risk of collapse and internal cracks and shakes formation. The black acacia is also possible for abnormal colouring to develop due to the presence of internal matter. The 3 drying warrants recommended are “E” of PRL and the T6-D4 (4/4) and T3-D3 (8/4) of the FPLM.

Natural durability and ease of penetration:

This wood is considered to be of medium durability vis a vis its resistance to toxic fungi and insect infestation. The sapwood is susceptible to insect infestation. Impenetrability of the hardwood varies from hardly impenetrable at all to not pregnable, and the sapwood itself is impenetrable.

Technological properties:

The outer hardwood is moderately easily penetrable and easily impenetrable in the sapwood, which habitually takes up a larger surface area of the trunk. It is easily sawn, machined and nailed, lending itself to curved woodworking, particularly in the sapwood area. It is a semi-hard wood of medium weight, flexible, with good blow and vibration resistance.


The black acacia is a type of high value timber since it possesses characteristics such as a dark coffee colouring and a beautiful veining, its chief uses are as a decorative element for interiors, furnishings, and cabinetmaking.andwoodturning,manufactureof billiardtables, floors, musical instruments, and sawn and finished wood.